Thursday, January 10, 2013

Top tech trends continued - The top 6 - 11 tech devices for 2013

With the 2013 CES conference in full effect, these new electronics are bound to make a splash in the consumer market. For those of you who have been anxiously awaiting our additional tech trends for the New Year, wait no further…

Number 6 - OLED. This is a new technology that is designed to upgrade your television screen to 3D technology. It delivers incredibly vivid life-like pictures on screens that are a few millimeters thick.

Number 7 - new consoles. Get ready for new gaming consoles to begin taking over the previous ones that have been dominating the market for nearly 5 years. These new consoles will keep your kids (or the kid in you) gaming well into the future!

Number 8 - wearable technology. Google already displayed their headsets at a national convention this past year, but expect them to be a major hit among consumers in the future. These glasses are designed to read out what normal eyes can’t. They’ll give you a ton of detail about places, events and even restaurant menus. This technology may just revolutionize our daily lives- will you be wearing a pair in the future? 

Number 9 - cooler cameras. Smart phone cameras are now a staple within the consumer market and this technohave revolutionized the camera industry and they are only going to get stronger.  In 2013 we will see retro-styled compact system cameras that will have the shooting capability of the more professional cameras.

Number 10 - 3D printing. I’ve seen this at Google, but this has yet to hit the consumer market. 3D printing is sure to be in high demand because it has the capability of downloading 3D content and 3D files from the internet. 

Number 11 - energy saving technology. We are seeing it with the growth of open source technology over the internet. Additionally, we are beginning to see the revolution in energy saving appliances as well as hardware.  From server farms to what is now known as the “cloud”, people are always looking to reduce hardware energy output in search of something more dynamic and efficient.

So there you have it, the top 10, I mean 11 choices that are guaranteed to make a splash in 2013 and at the CES conference this year. Where these tech gadgets will go, no one knows. What we do know is that these gadgets will have lasting impact on the hospitality industry.

NOTE: All information gathered is from Huffington Post Article Posted 1/1/2013 by Matt Leeser

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