Friday, November 22, 2013

Flat Screen TVs Are So 2012

OLED TVs are the latest in technology - they use less power, have more vibrant colors, and are overall more advanced than any other TVs on the market today. However, right now manufacturing them is both time consuming and costly. Only two companies (Samsung and LG) currently make them and the price is over $9000 each.

One company, Kateeva, is looking to change the high price and make OLED TVs easier to produce. Their idea is based off the concept of inkjet printers creating images by layering ink droplets on a surface. They plan to use a movable material to "print" the delicate materials used to make these OLED TVs directly onto sheets. Kateeva’s technology can print 6 OLED displays per sheet and can greatly reduce production costs.

OLED is a big deal, so if their technology is everything it claims to be, Kateeva is about to be the next big thing. Global sales for the OLED component are expected to skyrocket from $21.9 million in 2013 to $94.8 million in 2014, so it's clearly a growing market. The market for OLED TVs will likely reach $15.5 billion by 2020.

OLED could be the next big thing, but only if companies are able to bring down the costs of production and OLED printing seems to hold the key to doing just that. This time next year, stores could be offering Black Friday specials on new OLED TVs, but only time will tell!

1 comment:

  1. We will install Divi theme and create 4 ET pages at your choice.

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