Friday, December 14, 2012

Seasons greetings from Orlando!

Greetings from Percipia Networks and Orlando Florida! Our tech team, including myself just finalized an install in sunny Orlando, Florida! Escaping the cold Chicago weather was quite a blessing. Not only was the temperature outstanding, but the location of all the resorts on this Orlando strip were breathtaking. Some of them looked like giant monoliths from ancient Rome. What keeps them in business from what I gathered is that they are booked with people either taking in national conventions or attending the amusement parks. Needless to say, they were bustling with hundreds of guests each day. Coming away from our install, I realized that the hospitality of the staff at these hotels is incredible. It definitely created a good experience for the customer as well as the employee such as myself. Aside from the hospitality of the group, we had an excellent time installing our newest version of Parallax at the second largest in the chain of hotels. (That’s 300 rooms folks!) It is the third install for us with this group and we look forward to finishing the deal. (Only 3 more installs to go!) It was my first install and my first expenditure as a tech installer for Percipia Networks. 

I think the only thing that I can say that was completely mind boggling about this trip was seeing Christmas decorations set up in one of the largest tropical environments in the United States. I couldn’t help but laugh as Christmas carols were being belted at high volume in a city lined with palm trees. I’m a native to palm trees, but being able to travel to a destination like this during Christmas time was a bit relaxing if not a bit odd. The day I got back from Chicago, I was again wrapped like a Christmas present in layers of clothing. Hopefully we can do an install like this again, so I can wear tropical shorts with a Hawaiian shirt during one of the biggest holiday seasons of the year. So it is without further ado, a very Happy Holidays to all those travelers boarding the jets for these tropical destinations and a very Merry Christmas to those who are in need of some fantastic hospitality at one of the most renowned hotel areas in America. Seasons Greetings!

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